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Optimum benefits come when you hit that special zone where you feel like you want to
stop, but you keep driving forwards...to improve your future running you need to hit this
zone and hold it for long periods...simply bounding along at a slow pace for miles
is not going to hurt you, but you need to push your body further and
further until it accepts the fact that you are not going to stop until you
have got an Olympic gold medal on your mantelpiece. You can get into a routine
where you feel that you have to. Great for stamina and sheer will power. Do
long, medium paced runs, with maybe a half mile sprint at the end. Actually, considering
the number of 'kids with guns' 925 silver incidents these days, I would not take a chance
on that front. And that is a serious tip.4) Choose the right footwear. Over-exercise is
a killer. Short, fast, focused runs, mixed in with longer, slower ones, will give you
better stamina and ability to increase your pace in the future.3) Hill running. Fruit shakes
in the morning are ideal for energy, before and after a run....bananas and semi-skimmed milk
is my favourite. Give yourself good rest periods and use the time to eat wisely
and healthily....You need a lot of carbohydrates to fuel your running, so I would recommend
a lot of pasta, plenty of fish for protein, and a good, regular dose of
vegetables, nuts and baked beans. Consult a professional shoe salesperson, they can Tn Requin measure you up
and make sure you get the correct footwear for the correct terrain. Buy your own
sweets...in fact a small bag of sugary sweets every now and then can give you
a nice little energy boost, especially just before a run. Once you have conquered a
lot of hills, and keep pummelling them on a weekly basis, you will find that
running on flat terrain is as easy as taking candy from a baby. But have
time off. You do not have to run every day. I am not a professional
runner, but I have been running regularly for well over 12 years. You must listen
to your body. The next day do a shorter, faster run and try and hold
the increased pace for as long as you can. When it is telling you to
have a day off, have a day off.2) Vary your distance and pace. I even
stop sometimes near the end of my usual routes when my body is screaming at
me to give it a break. Everything you read here is personal opinion only. Resist
this. Let your body refuel and relax before you put it to the test again.
Run up the steepest hill you can find, or incorporate one into your normal run.
Yes there is. Disclaimer. Is there any way you can improve your running. Here's how.1)
Listen to your body. Sounds obvious enough, but I have seen so many people running
around in outdoor football shoes, tennis shoes, etc.[http://www.theserotoningrandprix.blogspot.com]Problems are temporary....Solutions are permanent.
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